Are you looking for a little palate cleanser between your usual reading courses of murder and mayhem? I found a tasty tidbit that was published on October 1 by Simon & Schuster. It's Graeme Simsion's The Rosie Project, and you may remember I mentioned looking forward to it in my Fall Preview post here.
Professor Don Tillman is an assistant professor of genetics at an Australian university. Don also has every single minute of his life organized for maximum efficiency, including having a set menu for every night of the week (aka the Standardized Meal System). All calories, all minutes, all units of any kind are counted, and any forced deviations require a complete recalculation of everything that follows.
I know what you're thinking: this guy has Asperger's. Simsion definitely implies that, especially in his hilarious Chapter 2. Don has been roped into giving a talk on autism when one of his colleagues has to cancel, and Don prepares to give a lofty, academic-level speech called "Genetic Precursors to Autism Spectrum Disorders." He's not in the least deterred that his audience is a group of children with Asperger's, and their parents. Julie, the poor woman who is the facilitator, valiantly tries to steer Don to a more layperson-friendly approach. Don resists.

variant, and arguably a positive one, since it is associated with "organization, focus, innovative thinking, and rational detachment." When the question arises whether "rational detachment" means "lack of emotion," Don decides that if Julie wants a more layperson-friendly approach, he will use an illustrative example to answer the question. He posits a situation in which a people are hiding in a basement, being hunted by enemies. Everyone must keep completely quiet, but a baby is crying. Don then adds, "You have a gun––with a silencer." Pandemonium erupts in the lecture room but, on the plus side, the kids are totally into the story and have many suggestions for next steps, which you can just imagine.

Don decides that the most efficient approach is to design a 16-page questionnaire, which he posts on a dating website. The questionnaire includes items designed to reveal whether the target is habitually tardy (which would rule her out, of course), a non-meat eater (ditto), and many more. Amazingly, many women choose to respond to the questionnaire. Not so amazingly, nobody comes close to the perfect score Don expects.

Knowing Rosie requires nonstop adjustments of Don's schedule, Standardized Meal System and liquor/food allowances. That will happen when you get into bar fights, need to become an expert mixologist, fly to New York, steal guys' DNA, have to climb out a fourth-floor bathroom window, and so on. It's also a huge mental adjustment for Don, Mr. Literal, to deal with Rosie, Ms. Sarcasm. But we cheer for him to adjust, because underneath it all, he's a sweetheart––and he's all in favor of personal improvement and learning new things.
The Rosie Project is a delightful romp of a first novel. It was originally conceived of as a screenplay, and I'll bet it'll become one soon. Congratulations to former IT consultant Graeme Simsion, and I hope he keeps on writing.
Note: I received a free review copy of The Rosie Project.
Sold. I've been wondering what to read over the Columbus Day weekend and now I know. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIt would definitely make a nice Columbus Day weekend read. Or this weekend!
ReplyDeleteGeorgette, I had taken it off my endless TBR list, but it looks like a charmer. I'll put it back, thanks!
ReplyDeleteSister, my daughter loved the book, and I just started it. Great news: Graeme Simsion's website states that he's currently working on a sequel.